December Photo-a-Day Roundup

Holy crap!  I cannot believe that I made it an entire year doing the Photo-a-Day Challenge.  I know I started a few days into January 2012, but I still feel like I’ve accomplished something.  I know I said the other day that I wasn’t sure if I would be doing it for 2013, but while I was uploading and resizing all of these pictures, I got somewhat wistful.  Taking pictures became a really big part of my life in 2012, so I’m not sure how easy it will be to give up doing the challenge for 2013.  I will continue to do it, but not worry about it if I fall behind a few days or have to miss a couple here and there.  At the end of the day, I really did enjoy doing the challenge last year.  Big thanks again to FatMumSlim for creating it and to whoever it was that asked her to create it.  You’re a genius.

Anyway, here is the round-up of my last Photo-a-Day pictures taken in 2012.  I thought that I had done my best, but I guess I missed a day in there.  Oh, well.  My favorite pictures were for days 4, 7, 14, 17, and 18.  If you want to play along in 2013, here is January’s list.  Thank you to everyone who followed along on these posts last year.  I really appreciate it!  If you’re on Instagram and want to follow me, I’m Colleen84.  I’m also now on Flickr under the name ColleenG29, but I confess I haven’t quite figured out all the ins-and-outs of Flickr yet, but I will.  I always do!  Aannnyyyyways, here we go.  Same drill as always; click to enlarge and hover over each thumbnail to see the original text that accompanied each picture when it was originally posted.

Day 1: 8 O'Clock. About to head out to one of my work holiday parties.  Day 2: Peace. It was a warm peaceful day.  Day 3: Something You Held. I couldn't think of a good one for this, so I went with the last ting I was holding before I took this picture.

Day 4: Black & White.  Day 5: Looking Down. [Oops! It was really "Looking Up" but I made a mistake,] My work's Christmas tree taken from above. It's way bigger than it looks.  Day 6: Where You Live/Your Country. The most famous symbol from my country & my home state!

Day 7: Star. This ornament is dedicated to my sisters.  Day 9: Out and About. Running errands with Jay today.  Day 10: Under. The sun hiding under the clouds during the start of tonight's sunset.

Day 11: Sweet. My boss brought in cupcakes.  Day 12: Hat.  I think we all knew this was inevitable.  Day 14: Something Green.

Day 15: Outdoors.  Day 16: Something You Made. Pizza bites for a party appetizer last night!  Day 17: On the Floor. Lonely Santa hat sans kitty.

Day 18: Makes You Merry. Finally finishing all of my Christmas cards!  Day 19: Something That Starts With 'S.' Smorgesboard! Christmas Party #6, the Finale: My office's Christmas lunch.  Day 20: Weather. The weather outside is cold, rainy, & frightful but the fire is so delightful...complete with a side eye from Zoe.

Day 21: Tree. Picture taken by my dad of the tree (and snowman) on my parents' proch.  Day 22: Decorations. Pasta Pasta is all decorated for Christmas. Late lunch with the fam.  Day 23: Joy is _____. Getting an hour to yourself to go for an awesome run before the holiday craziness starts.

Day 24: Tradition/Something You Always Do. Go to Christmas Eve mass.  Day 25: Lunchtime.  Merry Christmas from me and my family!  Day 26: Mess. See all the red? Air travel was a mess.

Day 27: How You Relax. I first took a picture of my blog to say 'writing,' but then Zoe jumped on my lap to nap & that changed because it relaxed me more than anything.  Day 28: Cold.  Minnesota in Decembrrrrrr.  Day 29: Hot. my hot new dress for Ian's wedding in freezing cold Minneosta.

Day 30: Something That Made You Smile This Year. Watching all my "boys" from high school be on the alter when Ian got married & feeling so blessed to still be friends with all of them made me smile from my heart.  Day 31: Self-Portrait.  A self-portrait of sorts.  Happy New Year from me & Jay!

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