Goodbye, The Office

I have to jump on the bandwagon and post my favorite moments from The Office in honor of tonight’s series finale.  When I first heard that The Office was ending, my first thought was, “Thank goodness.”  I stopped watching for much of last season and was sorta reluctant to pick it back up this season.  It wasn’t until a few weeks ago when Jay did a rewatch of the first 7 seasons that I had a renewed interest in the show and passion in seeing it on its way out the door.  There were some damn great moments, even after season 3. (I think 4 was ehhh because of the Writers’ Strike.)  In fact, I think the season Steven Carell left was the first season that had more weaker episodes than stronger ones and even in the home stretch, it picked up to give Michael Scott a proper send off.

So without further ado, let’s have at it.  I picked these based on most memorable or funny moments, things I still quote, and moments I think changed the show.

1. Let’s just get this out of the way.  The scene during Casino Night when Jim tells Pam his true feelings and then kisses her.

2. The best “That’s what she said” moment of the series.

3. My favorite of all the Jim/Dwight pranks.

4. My second favorite Jim/Dwight prank.

The Office: Cold Open – watch more funny videos

5. This one is just a personal favorite scene because it added a phrase to my vocabulary. I quote “second drink” all of the damn time.  Gotta love Pam getting drunk at the Dundie Awards.

6.  Speaking of the Dundie Awards, I love when they sing to Michael on Steve Carell’s second-to-last episode.  Wonderful moment.

7.  I think this was the moment when The Office changed, but I love the cold open from after the Super Bowl.  You can’t not laugh when Angela throws her cat through the ceiling.

8. Saying good bye to Michael.  While some may argue that his final moment with Pam was the highlight of the episode, I loved Michael & Jim’s goodbye.  Here’s both moments.


9. I loved Jim & Pam’s wedding.  I thought the entire episode – both parts – were great.  I believe I was in the minority at the time, but how can you not love everyone getting down while going down the aisle and Jim’s commentary afterwards?

10. Cafe Disco.  The Office was hit or miss for many at this point, but I love this episode.

11. Finally, I really want to recognize this recent scene, when Dwight’s dream finally came true, purely for sentimental reasons.

There are so many other moments that I can think of off the top of my head that I could’ve included, like Diwali, Michael kissing Oscar, the George Forman Grill episode, Michael proposing to Holly, Pam breastfeeding the wrong baby, Diversity Day, Everything Creed, “Ryan Started the Fire,” That One Night (“Do you have any idea the physical toll 3 vasectomies have on a person?!”), Meredith showing Michael her breasts after the Christmas party, Michael meeting David Brent, Pam walking over the hot coals, Andy floating away, Michael driving his car into the lake, etc.  The list goes on and on.  It’s funny how fondly I remember this show once I actually start to think about it.  If you’ve got free time, I say rewatch it, but pretend Season 7 didn’t happen, haha.

What are you favorite moments from The Office?  How much are you gonna hate on me for not keeping this as strictly moments from Seasons 1-3? Please leave your responses in the comments section. Thanks!

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