Obligatory 11-12-13 Post

Here we are, another fun date post.  I don’t really have a super lot going on right now, but I’ll try to make this as interesting as possible.

Since Jay and I officially moved into our new home on September 28, things have been crazy.  We are still not completely unpacked, though things are starting to really come together now, thanks to our third and hopefully final trip to IKEA this past Sunday.  We’ve needed to furnish several areas of the new house (dining room, living room, bonus room front hallway, etc.) in order to have places to put the stuff still in the boxes.  Over the last 6 weeks, we’ve spent way too much money on furnishings, but I can’t say that it wasn’t worth it because with our latest additions, it looks less like an empty college house and more like a home  When everything is finally suitable for it, I’ll take pictures and make a blog post so anyone who is interested can compare the before and after.  Hopefully within in the next week or so, I’ll finally feel that we’re at the point where we can do an Internet showing, haha.

Anyway, our biggest “project” has been figuring out what to do about the extra space in the bonus room.  First, we put an area rug in there which changed the ENTIRE mood of the room.  It made it a warm, family room instead of having that cold, tile look.  Last weekend, we added curtains and lighting.  Since we first saw the house, I wanted to put built-in bookshelves, but we knew that would be a little bit expensive for us to do right now.  Instead, we took to Pinterest and got some ideas on how to do a little DIY built-in bookshelf look using the Billy bookshelf series from IKEA.  That’s what we went back to IKEA to get on Sunday.  We wanted to do something like these two pictures.  [Link, Link]



Jay, being the awesome husband that he is, has really been working so hard assembling the seemingly dozens of new things we’ve bought for the house, from the bedroom furniture to coat racks that just don’t quite have all the pieces that fit to these new bookshelves.  Here’s what we have so far, before we add trim to it:


The trim will make everything come together nicely, I think.  The stuff in it is just there for fun.  In the middle, above the fireplace, we are hoping to save up for a nice TV to put up there, but that won’t be until after Christmas, when we see where we stand money wise.  We want to have all the “big” stuff done by the end of the year, including Jay’s car payments, so we can start to build our savings back up again starting in January 2014.  I believe the TV is the last of the “big” stuff on our list.  So, we’ll see.  Rome wasn’t built a day but damn we build up this house pretty quickly, haha.  Anyway, when we are finished with this room and have all of our boxes either unpacked or put away in storage, then I’ll go around and take pictures and show off the entire house.

The only other things going on right now is we’re going to see Justin Timberlake in Raleigh tomorrow night.  I can’t believe it’s November already.  I feel like we just got these tickets yesterday (it was in MAY!).  2014 is going to be here before we know it.  I better start to be more productive, haha.  Happy 11-12-13!

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