37 Weeks

Well, not much to update from last week other than I haven’t slept well the past few nights because I can’t find a good position due to my leg muscles feeling constantly tight. Thanks to a 2lb weight gain in one week (at this point, I should only be gaining 1lb), I’ve decided that fun time is over and there will be no more nightly ice cream because emotionally, I cannot handle the scale anymore. Whoever said pregnancy makes you feel “more attractive than ever” is a liar, because I have never felt so unattractive in my entire life. My face looks old, my hair has been a horror story for the past 8 months, and I dread people seeing me and commenting about my belly. And I don’t need yet another person telling me about all of the things I’m about to never do again, like sleep, have money, or have fun. News flash: You’re the 7,439 person to tell me something like this. I get it. Talk to me about the weather instead. At this point, it’s more original.

Anyway, no change in my cervix or baby positioning since last week. My doc said my cervix is “soft enough to poke a hole in” but still closed. I’m fairly certain that this baby is never coming out on his own. I’ll be 42 weeks pregnant, a million pounds, and have to be induced, I know it. I’m not even having a horrible pregnancy; I’m just tired and feel a little bit disappointed. I’ve had cramps in my lower back since last Friday (May 16) and I was really hoping there would be a little physical evidence to show for it. I’m so disappointed.

Obviously after 37 weeks, my hormones have finally started to get the better of me. I’ll be in a better mood next update. I promise.

On a less ‘woe-is-me’ note, Carter’s had a sale this past weekend, so I took advantage of it and bought Baby G some clothes. I got newborn and 3 month sizes. I’m nervous that he won’t fit into any newborn stuff at all, though, (I’ve heard stories from two people this past weekend about their baby skipping over newborn sizes), so I’m not going to wash any of it until he’s born just in case I have to return everything. His legs feel so long; his butt is on one side of my stomach and his legs kick me on the other side, halfway in between my stomach and back. I know it’s a skewed perspective, but I can’t figure out any other answer to the placement discrepancy. I’m sure I’m just being a naive moron and everyone reading this with any knowledge of carrying a baby will tell me I am wrong, haha.

Here are the outfits I bought from Carter’s yesterday. I love that awesome yellow color. Hopefully, he gets my skin tone so he can wear it. The top two are the newborn sized ones. Bottom two are three months.




And bump pictures, taken May 27, 2014 at 37 weeks, 3 days. You can see my belly button popping out in the first one. I’m so self-conscious about it. 🙁


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