Ugly Sweater Party ’14

Since we were going to celebrate Christmas with my family on Long Island this year, on Sunday, Dec. 21, Jay and I had his family over for an early Christmas celebration. We decided that the theme was going to be Ugly Christmas Sweaters. I love theme parties.

It was a lot of fun.  We got Jay’s Ninja Turtle sweater from Groupon, my Harry Potter sweater from TeeFury, Zachary’s Home Alone onesie from Etsy and Zoe’s sweater from Target. Jay and I made 2lbs of baked ziti together that morning while Zach played. It was really awesome to do something together like that as a little family. I’m not a great cook but I had a great time cooking with my Smoopsys, who is a good cook. 🙂

Everyone dressed up in fantastic ugly sweaters. I can’t wait to have another one in the future.


 Our little family of four.


 Appetizers table #1.


 Appetizers table #2, complete with hot dogs and spirits.


 Dinner table set with our Christmas Spode.


 Our living room looks like an infant lives here, haha.


 Glatfelter family photo.


 Silly Glatfelter family photo.


 Ready to eat.


 Jay serving salad and ziti from that end of the table. I sat across from him.

uglysweaterparty10Zachary standing to open one of his presents. So proud of him.


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