Alex is 2-months-old!

On Monday, April 9, our sweet Alexander Thomas turned two-months-old. I cannot believe it has already been two months. It feels like just yesterday that I was lamenting that he was taking too long to be born. Crazy.

At his two-month checkup, Alex was 22 1/4 inches long and weighed in at 10lbs 10 oz. He’s in the 17 percentile for both height and weight, but the 43 percentile overall. His head circumference was in the 93 percentile, though, so clearly, he has Jay’s head. 😉

Alexander is a sweet, happy baby. He loves to converse with you if you engage him. He coos and smiles a lot. We think he’s going to be a good storyteller. He loves playing on his playmats or watching the mobile in his crib. He figured out how to make the little animals on the attachment for the rock ‘n’ play move by rocking it with his feet. He’s so smart! He also likes watching Mommy do an exercise video and will hang out in the same room with her while she does it. He only ever gets fussy within the last five minutes of one. Mommy is grateful for that.

He’s also a pretty good snuggler…

Baby ATG also loves listening to music and remains a good sleeper. He is a big fan of the Beatles and his daddy’s guitar playing. Most nights, he sleeps from around 9 p.m to around 2:30-3:00 a.m., and then again around 5:30 a.m. and 8-8:30 a.m. Mommy is also grateful for that. [Note: Now that I’ve typed this out, I’ve probably jinxed him to wake up every two hours, including for good at 6 a.m., lol.]

Alex’s dislikes include sleeping flat on his back (he gets bad gas so he sleeps primarily in his rock ‘n’ play, with some pack ‘n’ play and swing naps during the day), dairy (again, see: gas), and being outside in the backyard (you can put him in the stroller in the front yard and he’s fine, but bring him around back and noooope lol). He also cries a lot when he is overtired at night. Luckily, he’s started having different cries, which helps us identify the problem a lot quicker now.

Alex gets along great with his big brother, Zachary, and of course, he loves his daddy. He will coo and laugh for Jay whenever he gets home from work like he’s telling him about his day. Zach is a loving brother and Alex enjoys engaging with him while he’s playing. He even smiled at him this morning. And Zoe! Zoe is obsessed with watching Alex. She has even nuzzled his head a few times during feedings. She sleeps at the end of the bed in between me and him, like she’s comfortably protecting and watching over both of us. Her attitude towards Zach has even improved. All is well so far in G-land.

We love this little dude so much and are so happy that he’s a part of our family!

Pictures from the last month:

First (out of a grand total of three, haha) bottle:

Storytime and brother time:

Smiley, happy baby!

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