Tag Archives: Wedding

We did it!

Well, we did it!  The wedding went off without a hitch.  Jay even said “I do” too early because we were so excited hehe.  This is a short post because I’m exhausted and we’re getting up at 5:30am to make … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Friends, Good times, Jay Glatfelter, Picture Post, Video, Wedding stuff | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Well, this is it!  We’ve got my dress at home, we’ve had the wedding rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner, and we’ve got a great forecast for tomorrow! Jack gave a great speech.  My sister’s friend kindly taped it for me … Continue reading

Posted in Wedding stuff | Tagged | 9 Comments

Hey Prince William Back Off!

Excuse me, but April 29, 2011 was my date first! 😉 P.S. Sorry the fitness post is late this week; I’m probably going to work on it while I fly home for Thanksgiving on Wednesday night. Tweet

Posted in Wedding stuff | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Obligatory 10/10/10 Post

On the topic of 10/10/10 the lovely Jana coincidentally and completely unintentionally sent me a text tonight at 10:10pm, haha.  I thought that was funny. Anyways, I went home to Long Island this weekend for my cousin Brian’s engagement party … Continue reading

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