The contents of my apartment are now in my parents’ living room/on my bedroom floor. Moving is exhausting and emotional. I really did love my apartment in Astoria & it makes me sad to have had to leave it. And I already miss living with Amanda. I watched crappy TV last night (Living Lohan, shut the hell up.) without her and it’s just not the same! But the truth is, if I had stayed, I wouldn’t have been able to save up money for what I want to ultimately do. And that’s something that makes everything that’s completely shitty shitty shitty right now completely worth it in the end. I walked around my apartment right before I left, after everyone else had already gone & took some pictures of it (okay, my lazy former landlord was letting the new girls move in a day early w/o coming to inspect our place, so I wanted proof we left it in good condition because damn it, I want my $850 security deposit back!), including my view from the roof. That freaking roof was my salvation last summer; it’s so peaceful out there, day OR night. It’s what I’m going to miss the most. But enough depressing stuff. Let’s get on to the boring stuff. Here’s some pictures from move out day:
By the way, I’m going on the cruise for my parents’ 25th anniversary on Thursday. That’ll be fun 🙂