Holy crap! When did it get to be September 1, 2010?!

I feel like the summer was 100% action packed and justified in going as quickly as it did but the months of January thru June went like woah.  I remember it like yesterday that I wrote a blog post about how excited I was for all the awesome things that 2010 had to offer and then we went to NYC to celebrate New Years Eve 2010 with Melissa.  I should actually tell the story of New Years Eve.  I asked Melissa a while ago and she said she had no problem with it.  Holy mother-f*cking-shit, that was 9 months ago.  If I get enough positive response saying they want to hear about it, I’ll blog about it.  Although when I don’t pimp this blog out on Twitter, no one reads it, haha.  Let me know in the comments if you want to hear about how Jay, Melissa & I rang in 2010.  If not, then word.  Regardless, I feel like so much has happened in 2010.

We went to Hawaii.  We got engaged.  I went to London.  We had the 30-hour-podcast.  We picked a wedding venue.  My aunt passed away.  We went to LA for the Lost finale.  Lost ended!  We got iPads.  We celebrated my grandparents’ 55th anniversary party.  Sarah & Amanda came to visit.  We went to Comic Con.  We went to Disneyland.  We fostered a kitten for a day.  We had our engagement party.  So much more that I know I am forgetting.  It’s insane how many awesome things have happened so far this year.

So anyways (ding).  Now that September has come along, we still have LADY GAGA!!!  Yay!!  September 19th at the RBC Center.  Katelyn and Jeremiah #2 are coming to visit September 17-19, too.  It’s going to be an awesome weekend.  I’m so excited.  I also took the month of August off from doing cardio workouts and I’m starting to feel super restless and getting a bit doughy again.  I’ve still been doing pilates 3 days a week but when you combine less than half a week of exercise with eating a ton of crap every day, it feels not okay.  So September is hereby deemed “get back into shape month.”

I’ve also spent the month of August reading a lot.  I was starting to feel like I spent too much time on the Internet so rather than refresh Twitter a million times a day and beg for questions on Formspring every night, I decided I’d read books instead.  Soooo I began with the Temperance Brennan novels by Kathy Reichs – aka the books that my new favorite TV show Bones is loosely based on.  I’m on book 5 right now, “Grave Secrets,” and hope to be finished with it by tomorrow.  I’ll have to write a review of the series when I finally finish them (I believe there are 10 or 11 in all) and a brief review of each book if anybody is actually interested.  Next up, I have “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” which I’m really anxious and eager to read.  Following that, I still have all the Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood) novels to read.  I read the first when I was on the plane back from London but still have the rest from the boxed set that I got for Christmas and I’d like to finish them all.  I’d also like to read The Hunger Games trilogy.  Does anyone recommend them?  I’ve heard a lot about them over Twitter and Facebook lately and gotten a ton of coupons for them through Borders and Barnes & Nobles the last few weeks.  Should I invest in them?

Alright, back to Grave Secrets.  Happy September, everybody!

And finally, as of September 1, 2010 – 240 DAYS UNTIL THE WEDDING!!!

[Note: I realize I never actually finished sharing the Hawaii stories, including how Jeff Fahey & I got shitfaced together during a Lost press event.  If anyone wants to hear about that, holler at me via the comments too.]

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