yay i don’t need an iPhone for Instagr.am

So I just figured out that I can actually use the Instagr.am application on my iPad! I thought you could only upload pictures to it that you took yourself on the iPhone or iTouch.  I had a little bit of fun tonight while Jay, Clif, Zoe and I were watching Dodgeball.  “Why were you watching that movie?” you may ask.  The answer?  Because we had a thunderstorm tonight and it felt like a thunderstorm-y movie.



This picture is from Joe Hummrich‘s Comic Con 2010 Facebook album.  I love the picture so much but it’s blurry in real life.  It was the second picture I ran thru the app and I’m pleased with how it turned out.


Anyway, I’m sure I’ll abuse tons of photos in the next week or so before the novelty of the app wears off.  It’s a bummer that you can only see people’s photo streams from an actual mobile device (unless if they post the link to Facebook, Twitter, etc.) but hopefully that’ll change in good time.  Ah, it’s late.

Longer letter later.

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