Chatty Monday

Oh, Monday.  I have such a love/hate relationship with Mondays.  I hate them because it means the start of another work week, but I love them because they tend to be the “quietest” day of my week.  Most people get caught up for the week on Friday; I’m lucky enough to be able to get a good handle on my week by mid-afternoon on Monday.  If only Monday could start at noon, it’d be the perfect day of my work week.  Alas, alack.

So this past weekend wasn’t too bad.  Kicked it off at the gym after work on Friday.  I was going to meet Jay afterwards at the movies (which is next to my gym) to see Mission Impossible 4.  I always change for the gym before I leave work, so of course I completely forgot to bring my non-gym clothes in with me to change back into after I showered.  All I had in the locker room was a pair of clean underwear and an extra t-shirt!  Braless and wearing dirty socks, I had to run out to the car and change back into my work clothes, all in the back seat.  No one noticed me.  I’m steathly like that.  And, obviously, classy.

Anyway, I stopped to get my ritual post-workout smoothie prior to my backseat changing and had a great moment.  The girl who made my smoothie said, “Can I ask you a question?”  I responded, “Sure!”  She continued, “Well…I saw your last name on your credit card and please don’t think I’m weird but there’s this podcast…”  I just interrupted her and said, “Haha, that’s my husband.”  Too funny!  Glatfelter is definitely becoming a handy last name to have.  I thought it was so awesome and I love meeting people through podcasts.  I love how small the world is and how connected we all are without even realizing it.  It totally made my night.

We ended up seeing Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows instead because there were no seats left in the theater for MI4.  I’m really glad we saw Sherlock though.  It was a really fun movie.  Not Oscar material by any means, but I just had a great time watching it.

 Anyway, I try to get up by 9-9:30am on Saturdays so I have plenty of time for coffee, making my shopping list, going through coupons, and no rush to get to the gym before pilates starts.  Totally set my alarm for the wrong day!  I woke up at 10:30am in such an “omg-I-overslept!” state that it didn’t really register with me that Jay was sitting on the couch in the dark with a blanket over his head and that he had taken a shower already despite not having to work on Saturday.  I think it took me a good 5 minutes before I went, “Wait…why are you sitting in the dark?”  My poor smoopsy had a migraine. 🙁

He told me to go to the gym because there was nothing I could do at that moment because he felt nauseous and every extra noise, movement and smell wasn’t helping.  So off I hurried, skipping my usual grocery shopping routine to come back as soon as pilates was over.  By then, he was ready to try to eat something.  So we ended up watching Tron Legacy, Fringe, Blue Bloods, and Alien on Saturday.  I also read the entire first book of Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series, “One for the Money.”   I must say I also had a really fun time reading that book too.  I’m in for the ride.  I started the second book at the gym yesterday, but I had a TON of errands and cleaning to do all day yesterday to make up for my very uncharacteristically lazy Saturday.

Yesterday, I basically the whole day running errands and cleaning up.  Watched the Golden Globes last night and annoyingly Tweeted throughout the entire red carpet and ceremony.  Sorry if I was “that girl” spamming your Twitter feed last night!  I wish Ricky Gerveis had been more offensive, but oh well.  There’s always next year.

Alright, this post is loooong enough.  I chatter too much.

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