Subscribe Feature

So when I changed hosts and servers and all that crap on this site back in the springtime, I lost some of the settings I had and added more.  I selected a bunch of add-ons and plug-ins and widgets to add and didn’t realize until Tuesday that I never activated some of them, haha.  Soooo if you are interested, I added a “Subscribe” feature to the right sidebar.  This way, you can get posts emailed to you and either read ’em that way or know to come on over here.  I’m not sure if pictures show up in the emails or not.  Anyway, I figured I’d try it out.  I only have like half the page views that I used to before all the spam, viruses and other shit hit this site the first few months of the year and now that I’m completely cleaned up and blogging regularly again, I’d really like to build the site back up.  So, enjoy! 🙂

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