
Man, I have been a huge slacker again. Truth is, I’m in a blogging funk. I have no shortage of things to write about and have had a lot of moments in the shower where I’ve gone, “Oh, I should do a blog post about this…” But then, real life stuff always wins out. Darn you, Zachary! haha, just kidding. But in all seriousness, I have probably written ten blog posts in my head over the past two months and then failed to make them actually happen.

Anyway, I’ve decided to try to post at least 2-3 times a week in the month of March. I feel better when I’m updating this website on a more frequent basis. I’m actually in an all-around life funk. I’d explain now, but then what would I post about for the rest of the week…?

As far as content goes, I’m going to try to make it a combination of lifestyle, arts & crafts, reviews, “recipes,” etc. This blog has seen many iterations in the 8.5 years that I’ve been maintaining it. I used to write a lot of personal stuff, then moved towards sharing things I was doing, like pictures from birthday parties or trips. I stayed on the topic of what was going on in my life for a long time. It served as a great vehicle for me to be creative when I showed off my Photo-a-Day pictures every month for the year and did the 642 Things to Write About Challenge. Gradually, I started focusing more on reviewing different things and then moved on Pinterest-type posts over the last year or so. And of course, after Zachary was born, I did a lot of the one-picture “Adventures of Zach and Zoe” posts. I’m going to try to do a hybrid of all of these things this month. It hit me while watching Jay and Zachary play last week that I have no imagination anymore. I have no creativity anymore. I’m a zombie who doesn’t eat well anymore, barely sleeps (Zach is back to only one wake up per night, so I really should be sleeping more), doesn’t exercise as much, and is a mushy brained shell.

Anyways, here’s to the rebirth of Collwrites. I’m holding myself accountable for updating it 3-4 days a week with good content and I hope anyone reading this will help me stay accountable, too. 🙂

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