Zach’s DIY Stay Puft Halloween Costume

Today, my TimeHop reminded me of one of my all-time favorite pictures of Zachary. Oct. 12 must be the one-year anniversary of the day that I started making Zach’s first Halloween costume. Here’s the picture that I took while I was trying the costume on him. He didn’t want to do it, so he gave me mega pouty face. You can see the “woe is me” in his eyes. I love this picture/moment so hard:


This showing up in my TimeHop today is particularly funny because I just bought the materials for Zach’s costume this year during my lunchbreak today, haha. Anyway, he was much happier when I tried it on in a later iteration on October 20:


I could have sworn that I had taken pictures of the DIY process, but I can’t find them anywhere. Here’s a quick rundown of what I did. Sorry that I don’t have pictures of each step!


  • White long-sleeved onesie from H&M
  • Long white pants from Target. I believe they were girls’ sweatpants that were in a two-pack with a pair of lime-green pants.
  • White socks
  • A chef’s hat from Etsy
  • Red, blue and white felt from Michael’s
  • Iron-on lettering from Michael’s
  • Hot glue gun


  1. Essentially, I cut everything out of the felt. I cut the blue big, the white trim, the blue trim around the hat, and the red “ribbons” that hang from the shirt and hat. Honestly, everything took a few attempts to get right because I was cutting them “free hand.”
  2. Glue every down with a hot glue gun.
  3. Iron the “Stay Puft” letters onto the hat.

It really was pretty easy, which is good, since I’m not particularly great at crafts, haha. Here’s how it came out in the end:


And the “side profile.”


Family shot!


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