
Hello! I’m back for more numbers fun. 2.22.22. 22.02.2022. 22.2.22. However you write it, I was embarrassingly excited for today. I had to check myself and tone down the enthusiasm at work this morning because my new coworkers were clearly not as impressed by the date as I was, hahaha. At my longtime former job, my boss was just as enthusiastic as I was about numbers and dates and we’d geek out about all of them. Fun times.

Anyways, I don’t know if the date affected my attitude, but today was a great day. I had a good morning at the new job and a really fun lunch meetup with my geocaching friends. Today was also National Margarita Day so we made tacos and spicy margaritas, something we rarely do nowadays because the kids aren’t taco fans. Except…they both suddenly decided they liked tacos after we went to Bar Taco for my birthday and kept that preference up tonight, eating everything and not complaining once. A 2.22.22 miracle.

So, cheers to twos, tacos, and margaritas! Here’s some mildly interesting things I found today to share:

    • I talked about Angel Numbers in my 2.2.22 post. If you’re into that, this article talks about different meanings of five 2’s in a row.
    • Moving on from numerology into astronomy, apparently February 22, 2022 marks the United States’ Pluto return. Hopefully, it’s less dramatic than a Saturn return.
    • I loved this year’s Super Bowl halftime show. This Tweet made me laugh and think of my friend Amanda from college. Miss you, Pookie. <3


    • I’m trying to read more this year. I’m halfway through Stacey Abrams’ book, “While Justice Sleeps” and have “Death on the Nile” up next. I found this list of mystery books today and was wondering if anyone out there has read any of these yet. If so, could you make a recommendation?
    • I wasn’t originally thrilled for it because I wasn’t a big fan of either of the Suicide Squad movies, but I ended up LOVING the crap outta HBO Max’s Peacemaker. John Cena and the rest of the cast do such a great job. And no, we never skipped the opening credits. Anyways, here’s the 9-minute blooper reel for Season 1. Enjoy!

I hope you all have a great rest of the week! Happy 2-22-22 Twosday!

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