Tag Archives: Best Buy

Why I Will Never Shop At Best Buy Again

On December 17, 2010, Jay bought me a brand new Canon Powershot SD 1400 camera for Christmas.  On March 5, 2011, I dropped the camera at my engagement party.  It still took pictures but it wasn’t correctly focusing on pictures … Continue reading

Posted in Apple, Ramble/Ponder/Rant, Story time | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Internet Killed the Printed Word Book

Since Borders Books has filed Chapter 11, I found out the other day that my beloved store near work is closing within the next few months.  I’m pretty bummed that the Internet has killed print, to be honest.  I’ve downloaded … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Picture Post, PostSecret, Ramble/Ponder/Rant, Reflecting/emo, Weekend | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments