As if the obvious wasn’t enough, here’s another reason why Delta is a mess of an airline. Last night, I received my weekly email with Delta’s fares. Although I’ve publicly sworn off flying Delta many, many times, the promise of a $69 ticket each way was almost too much temptation to resist. (Back story: This afternoon, I was looking into possibly flying to Raleigh this weekend – I know it’s not really practical at all, but let’s face it; being back on LI makes me restless to go do things far away from LI.)
So anyway, here’s a screen cap of the email, which was sent at 9:26pm on Monday, August 18:
So, I figure, “Hey, why not just check it out? Don’t have to buy a ticket, just look…” Here is what happens when you follow the rules – magically, the trip is $339. I may consider myself more of a writer than an accountant, but this makes no sense. I try one more time, thinking perhaps I screwed up the dates or something. Still:
Nice job, Delta. Nice job.