Goodbye, Chair.

Today is my last day at my current job.  I’ve never spoken very much about my job over the past 3 years. I never really felt that broadcasting what I do for money is something that the world needed to know nor do I want to risk saying something that could cost me my job.  Since May 18, 2009, I have worked for the Center for Orthotic and Prosthetic Care of North Carolina.  I have done a variety of things, all of the administrative variety.  While my job wasn’t always “fun” (what job is?), I have always been fortunate to work side by side with some really great people.  I am going to miss them a lot.  My boss has always been kind and fair to me, talking to me when I’d struggle and praising me when I succeeded.  Recently, I realized just how rare it is to have a boss like mine is and if I’m ever in a high management position in the future, I would like to emulate the qualities that I observed in him.  Thank you, Dave.

I’ve had a nervous pit in my stomach all week long because of this big change.  I’m worried about leaving but excited to start something new.  A lot of mixed emotions all week and I’ve been a moody girl at home as a result.  I wonder how long it will take before I start to actually feel like I’m not going to be back in here on Monday, haha.  I think I think too much.

Anyway, today’s photo-a-day was “chair.”  I thought it was appropo to take a picture of the chair I have sat in for the past 2 and a half years (since I transferred to the Duke Raleigh office from the Duke office).  This is most likely the last day I will ever sit in it.

Thank you everyone for the kind words of encouragement after I posted the announcement of my new job.  It means a lot!

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