642 Things to Write About Challenge: Week 18

“You can only keep one memory from your entire life.  What will it be?”

When I proposed this topic to Jay as an option to write about back during Week 7, he said, “Oh, that’s a heavy one.”  I didn’t think so.  While there are several memories that I would be devastated to lose, to date, the one that I would keep if I had to choose is the memory of my wedding reception.  Everyone was together, everyone was happy, and everyone was healthy.  All of our families and friends were in one place and it was the best day of my life.  I never want to forget walking into that reception hall after being announced “for the first time as husband and wife,” or laughing at our friends as they got in trouble for trying to recreate the opening of Friends by posing with umbrellas by the fountain or dancing with my grandpa while crying and singing along to Bruno Mars’ “Just the Way You Are” or shouting the lyrics to Jay Z’s “New York” with my daddy.  Everyone was so happy and having so much fun.   Everything seemed so simple that night.  So happy and so simple.  It was the party I never wanted to end.

These are the moments that I mentioned from the one memory I would like to keep for my entire life:


Walking in after we are announced for the first time as “Mr. & Mrs. Jay Glatfelter”




Taking pictures imitating the ‘Friends’ opening




Dancing and crying with Grandpa during “Just the Way You Are”




Everyone singing and dancing to “New York” by Jay Z and Alicia Keys.


Finally…the end of the evening.  I wish we could do it all over again every single year.

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