So my sister Katelyn turned 21 on March 7 so Eddie and I joined her & some of her friends at a bar last night to celebrate. Nothing too exciting happened, so normally this wouldn’t really warrant a post. However, I feel the need to document that Katelyn celebrated her first few days of legal United States drinking the right way. And she did me proud. Kate’s not really much of a drinker but her friends made sure that she did it up in style. She did tequila & Irish Car Bombs like a mother-f’ing champ. I was proud. Anyway, that said & suspiciously alcoholic-sounding harpings aside, I’m going to shut up now & be vain by posting pictures. Eddie & I basically were ourselves the entire night and decided to have a photo shoot in the middle of the bar, simply because there was a camera, so why not? I’m sparing everyone from all but a few. Though if you ask really nicely, I’ll post the 2 pictures up in which I was pretending to be Mariah Carey & Britney Spears. They’re disturbingly accurate portrayals, in my opinion.