And So the Journey (Finally) Begins

I am finally leaving for North Carolina in a few minutes.  I’m going to stay with Sara & TJ in Raleigh tonight, so I won’t see Jay until he comes home from school tomorrow night 🙁 but that’s life.  I’m going to take Sara to get her wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow morning, so at least I’m a house guest who is making herself useful!

It’s a 10 hour drive, so I’m trying to do my best to navigate through traffic hours in NY, NJ and Baltimore/D.C.  I was originally going to leave at 3am but the future Mr. & Mrs. Burns won’t be home from work til after 5:30pm anyway.

Okay, I’m going to go.  My car’s all loaded already (That’s what she said?) and Strider’s been whining all morning because he’s seen my dad help load the car and he thinks my dad’s the one who’s leaving him haha.  Good Lord.  With his level of anxiety, no wonder the dog has heart problems.  I’ve only packed clothes and random stuff, but I did bring my stability ball for no reason other than it’s a security blanket lol.  I’m not going to blow up at 65 inch plastic ball in someone else’s living room… (again, that’s what she said?)

Okay, time to go for reals.  I’m so nervous and sad to leave my family.  This past 2 weeks of “issues” has really made me appreciate them all the more.  Wish me luck, I’m near freaking out level…

Oh and P.S. Lost was awesome again last night!  Cannot wait for next week’s!

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