Comic Con 2009: The Journey There 7.21.09

It’s 12:03am right now and we just got to our hotel.  After a few slight mishaps (the man in pajamas who checked us in at our motel charged my credit card on our first night without asking me first and it wasn’t the card I wanted it to go on, which sucks for me but whatev, I’ll deal with it when I get home), we finally got situated.  We did a crapload of stuff today, but I’ll explain all of that tomorrow.  For now, here’s the really terrible video I pieced together of a bunch of stuff I recorded with my camera while we were traveling to San Diego Comic Con last night.  Definitely more pictures and a video of all of us at In N Out tomorrow morning!

P.S. I look really tired in this video and that’s because, well, I was exhausted. Hence why I’m sleeping now instead of posting more blog stuff; because I haven’t caught up on my sleep from before this video was done/we left Raleigh. And away we go:

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