is on iTunes!

Jay keeps making fun of me (sad smiley face) but I AM SO EXCITED!!! is#19 in the Video section for Comedy on iTunes!  We FINALLY got approved by the iTunes Store today, just in time for our Fall Launch.


Aaaannndd as of right now, #41 over both Audio and Video categories in Comedy!  Hooray!!!


I’m so excited and I don’t even have a show premiering on there until Friday, which is sure to be just as awkward and painful as you all remember 😀  To subscribe to on iTunes, you can search “Nudia,” “” or “Jay and Jack” on iTunes OR you can just go here:

Jay and I are seeing David Cross tomorrow night.  OH! And I have the video all converted, I just need to upload it – song videos from the Rob Thomas concert in Cary, NC last Monday night, September 28, 2009.  I’ve kinda slacked because I also have all the video from the No Doubt concert back on June 8, 2009 on my computer that I compressed to a smaller file but never uploaded because I suck.

The good news is that I actually did edit and upload a brand new show from me on, which is a NuNews interview series.  The first one, which will premiere either Friday Oct 9 or Sunday Oct 11 (we haven’t decided yet), will be an interview with the awesome dudes who do the “John Locke Rap” on YouTube.  Stay tuned 🙂

Okay time for bed.  I have to be at work wicked early tomorrow.  And I need some new submissions, so if you have anything, please email otherwise it’ll be my take on David Letterman being a cheating pig (please someone else do that one lol) or my absolute JOY on the Sweet Valley High series becoming a major motion picture written by Diablo Cody.  So yeah.  You’re funeral.

P.S. Alice, you rock my socks yet again. Thank you 🙂

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