
This time of year has always been difficult for me because it’s been filled with endings and sad news. In 1998, one of my close friends passed away on May 17. I graduated from college on May 20, 2006 and spent the next year without direction. In 2010, my aunt passed away on May 14 and on May 23 of that year, Lost ended, which was the end of an era that had dominated years of my life. On May 22, 2012, my grandfather had the surgery that would be the beginning of the end of his battle with cancer. And last year, on May 23, we got the devastating news that pretty much solidified that the end was near, even if we didn’t want to believe it. And I don’t even want to talk about last June.

I know I’m being super emo right now, especially because May/June has also been filled with some really amazing times, as well. To name a few: In June 2008, my parents took my sisters and I on a Caribbean cruise, my last month of college was one of the hands down best months of my entire life, in May 2012, we had an amazing trip to Disney World with Jay’s family, and the Lost Finale Party was an experience that I’ll never forget as long as I live. I’ve been very blessed in my 30 years.

I’m not trying to be completely doom and gloom, and I’m sorry if it’s coming across that way. I’m just feeling sad today because I really miss my grandpa and that phone call from my mom last May 23 made for one of the worst evenings of my life. I keep replaying it in my head today and re-feeling that horrifying pit in my stomach. And you know – once you’re feeling down about one thing, it’s easy to “feel” everything else, too. But, life goes on, right? I just wish my son could meet my grandfather and visa versa.

Anyway, thanks to TimeHop, I was reminded of this picture, taken at my sister’s college graduation in May 2008. My grandma is a damn snazzy dresser. This was a good day in May. 🙂


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