Our Wedding Ceremony!

Thank you very, very much to Rob for stepping up last minute and filming our wedding ceremony.  Here is the full mass, from start to finish.

The mass was at St. Anthony’s of Padua in Rocky Point, NY. The readers were Jay’s Aunt Tammy (Old Testament), my Grandpa (New Testament – Corinthians reading), and my Auntie Anne (Prayer of the Faithful). My Uncle Gary is a deacon and he is the one who married us.  The actually marrying part starts around 23 minutes and goes until the 30 minute mark.  That’s why Jay says “I do” too early and we sit down before we were finished actually being married then have no idea when to sit down again after we light the Unity Candle haha. Also, at 51:20 is when Dale grabs the host at Communion from my Uncle Gary. I love Matt & Jeremiah #2’s faces when they see him do it.  Enjoy!  I am really so happy and excited to be able to share our wedding ceremony with you guys!

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