Category Archives: John Norton

Recovering Lost GarageBand Files

So I was recording MetroBuzz Episode 123 on Monday night when disaster struck.  Just as John & I were starting our sign-offs, GarageBand completely quit on me!  We had 1:20 minutes of audio recorded and it was all gone.  I … Continue reading

Posted in Apple, John Norton, Metrobuzz, Podcasting Adventures | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Vote for MetroBuzz for a Podcast Award!

MetroBuzz has been nominated for a podcast award in the category “Best Comedy.”  We are going up against some very fierce competition, but you can vote once daily from Nov. 1 through Nov. 15, so if you have a minute … Continue reading

Posted in John Norton, Metrobuzz | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

About that Possible MetroBuzz Reunion Show

Hello, everyone! At the request of a few friends, I’m giving a little bit more details in writing about the possible MetroBuzz reunion show for Jay and Jack’s Annual 30 Hour Podcast for Autism Speaks. The goal is to raise … Continue reading

Posted in Announcement, John Norton, Metrobuzz, Podcasting Adventures | Leave a comment

Guess Who’s (Maybe) Back?

If you haven’t already heard, then you should listen to this. Especially if your name is IrischMatt, Cool Accent Ben, Paul, Dani, Nick, Jess, or James. MetroBuzz Promo I’m very excited. I hope we can raise the money for the … Continue reading

Posted in Announcement, John Norton, Metrobuzz | 2 Comments

July 29, 2007.

Okay!  We’re just about down to one more day so let me wrap up the story of how Jay & I officially became a couple.  So let me get to that.  But first, a weather check: Excellent, excellent, excellent.  Let’s … Continue reading

Posted in Good times, Jay Glatfelter, John Norton, Memories, Metrobuzz, Podcasting Adventures, Story time, Wedding stuff | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Gotta Love San Diego Sunsets & Carne Asada Burritos Con Queso

Woo-hoo!  I had my last day at work today!  Freeeeeee for two whole weeks!  Tomorrow afternoon, Jay & I are headed to Long Island for wedding week.  At work, I do a lot of authorizing jobs to be done, things … Continue reading

Posted in Clif Armstrong, Comic Con, Good times, Jay Glatfelter, John Norton, Metrobuzz, Podcasting Adventures, Story time, Wedding stuff | Tagged , | Leave a comment

“I think Colleen should start dating Jay from the Jay & Jack Show.”

HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!  I hope everyone had a lovely, relaxing day.  I was able to lay out this morning to get some real color for the wedding.  It was 88 degrees today, so although I was only out for about … Continue reading

Posted in Jay Glatfelter, John Norton, Podcasting Adventures, Wedding stuff | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Turning Points

6 days to go! The constant changing of the LI weather forecast for next Friday is killing me. First it was rainy then it was sunny then partly cloudy then back to rainy with a drop in temperature. As of … Continue reading

Posted in Good times, Jay Glatfelter, John Norton, Memories, Metrobuzz, Podcasting Adventures, Wedding stuff | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

I love where we started

I cannot believe that Jay & I are getting married in one week!  Holy crap, the entire last 15 months have gone by soooo quickly!  I figured that this week, I’d try to do something Jay & Colleen origin-y or … Continue reading

Posted in Jay Glatfelter, John Norton, Lost, Metrobuzz, NC Adventures, Podcasting Adventures, Wedding stuff | 6 Comments

An Oldie Jolleen Story

I know that I have told to this story before but it’s one of my favorite memories and since it’s Podcast Award nomination times once again I figured that I would fondly revisit the past. On October 19, 2008, Jay … Continue reading

Posted in Jay Glatfelter, John Norton, Memories, Metrobuzz, Movies, Podcasting Adventures | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment