Aladdin + Margaritas…Okay, No Blame Falls on the Margaritas

It’s been a very, very long and busy week since I officially moved in to my apartment here in Raleigh, NC.  My days (literally) consist of this:  Applying for jobs, hunting for furniture and general apartment stuff, unpacking/setting stuff up, and trying to get un-lost from the places I’m trying to find.  I have a video that I am working on that’s from the actual move-in and morning after, but I’ve just been too busy to actually sit down and really put it together.

However, yesterday (March 8 ) was our friend Clif’s 28th birthday.  Jay & I had him over for hamburgers and margaritas (since honestly, margaritas are the only thing that we can really make).  Friday night (March 6), we went to see “Watchmen” – which I thought was good but very long.  I think that my best assessment of the movie is that it must be to Watchmen/comic book fans what the Lord of the Rings trilogy was to the rest of us Tolkien fans/geeks.  It was way graphic, even for me, but I liked it a lot anyways.  Saturday (March 7) was my sister Katelyn’s 22nd birthday 🙂  I went to garage sales from 7am til 10am, when I met up with Sara, her mom, and sister.  Her sister and I tried on our bridesmaid dresses for Sara & TJ’s wedding on September 5.  Afterwards, I resumed the cheap furniture hunt (I REALLY freaking need a kitchen table), visited Jay at work, then went for a looooooong ass walk in the 80-degree Raleigh weather.

But more about all of that later.  Maybe even a bridesmaid dress picture if I feel like it.

So last night, we had Clif come over for burgers and margaritas to celebrate his 28th birthday.

clif_birthday1 clif_birthday2

The king of making margaritas                                    Clif’s birthday drink!

We watched the end of Back to the Future on TV, then Jay & Clif played some video games.  After that got old quickly, we were looking for a movie to put on and since Jay hasn’t brought over many of his DVDs yet, it was up to yours truly’s collection of such classics like America’s Sweethearts, Mean Girls, Now and Then, and The Notebook.  Even classics like High Fidelity, Anchorman, Dogma and That Thing You Do were vetoed.  So finally, Clif just went, “I want to watch Aladdin!”

So we did.  And it’s amazing just how much an almost-24-year-old, a 25-year-old, and a 28-year-old can still recite an entire Disney movie.  We even still remembered (almost) all the lyrics of the songs.

UPDATE: YouTube and the evil that is a music group I shall not name in case of search engine hits have silenced my previous video because apparently playing a 30-second clip of only music from a song is a violation of copyright laws. And if you’re a douchebag and reported me to YouTube for copyright violation, then I hope that karma comes around to f*ck you in the ass so hard you can’t sit down for the next 4 years.  Cause just remember that nobody likes a tattletale, especially over 30 seconds of singing-less music.  k thnx bye! Sorry for the less than fabulous quality of this version:

And with that, I must return to the job hunt so that I can then continue with the furniture hunt.  Woot.  I’d really like it if like $1,000 just fell into my lap right now.

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