Jay & Jack Featurette on “Audibly Lost”

Alex from Audibly Lost has been working on a Lost podcasting documentary called “Audibly Lost.” I know he’s been working on it like crazy for quite some time now and has driven around the country interviewing people involved in the Lost community. Jay & Jack were fortunate enough to be interviewed by Alex back in March after the 30 Hour Podcast and now they’re the subject of his first featurette from “Audibly Lost”! It also has Kris White, Ralph Apel, Natasha Fray, Axel Foley from Lost Mythos Podcast, Josh & Amanda from Lost Flashbacks Podcast, and a special “appearance” by Michael Emerson. Thank you, Alex!! I’m so excited to see the rest of the movie!

An “Audibly Lost” featurette: Jay and Jack from Audibly Lost on Vimeo.

I really, really love with Ralph has to say about the finale party and friends coming together. Well said, dude. Tear.

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