Previously on…
- 25 Years is a Long Time.
- The Broadcast Ep. 7.29 “Guten Tag! Guten Tag!”
- The Broadcast Ep. 7.28 “Greek Life Gone Woke”
- The Broadcast Ep. 7.27 “Only Murders on the Podcast”
- Breakfast Sliders!
- 2023 Writing Challenge: Week 2
- The Broadcast Ep. 7.26 “Shandy’s Blowout”
- Movie Review: Plane
- Book Review: Hide by Tracy Clark
- 52 Week Writing Challenge: Week 1
- CasinoSkunk.com
- Ebb and Flow of Life
- Hollywood the Write Way
- I lost my place, but I can't stop this story…
- Into Dust
- Jay and Jack TV
- LukeVenk
- MetroBuzz
- My "Lost" Weight Blog
- Ramblings of a Long Island Girl
- Recipes Redesigned
- Rocket Science and kids
- Sitakatherine's Blog
- Spaghetti Betty
- Thrilling Miracles
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Previously On…
- CasinoSkunk.com
- Ebb and Flow of Life
- Hollywood the Write Way
- I lost my place, but I can't stop this story…
- Into Dust
- Jay and Jack TV
- LukeVenk
- MetroBuzz
- My "Lost" Weight Blog
- Ramblings of a Long Island Girl
- Recipes Redesigned
- Rocket Science and kids
- Sitakatherine's Blog
- Spaghetti Betty
- Thrilling Miracles
Previously On….
- 25 Years is a Long Time.
- The Broadcast Ep. 7.29 “Guten Tag! Guten Tag!”
- The Broadcast Ep. 7.28 “Greek Life Gone Woke”
- The Broadcast Ep. 7.27 “Only Murders on the Podcast”
- Breakfast Sliders!
- 2023 Writing Challenge: Week 2
- The Broadcast Ep. 7.26 “Shandy’s Blowout”
- Movie Review: Plane
- Book Review: Hide by Tracy Clark
- 52 Week Writing Challenge: Week 1
Category Archives: Ramble/Ponder/Rant
Where In the World Is…?
Okay so here’s what happened to me and Jay at church this afternoon (it’s Good Friday) : Mass was about an hour and 25 minutes long. We were sitting in the very back next to a younger couple with their … Continue reading
Thanks, U.S. Banking System
Okay, so I got a call from my mom before. Apparently my screw-up bank back on Long Island sent a letter saying that they automatically deducted a fee from my account because I withdrew money from my savings account more … Continue reading
An Open Letter to Craigslist Spammers
To Those Who Post Spam Listings on the Raleigh (or any city’s) Craigslist, I hope you get caught & end up in prison where they sodomize you so badly that you realize that that’s exactly what you’re doing to those … Continue reading
Posted in NC Adventures, Ramble/Ponder/Rant
Tagged Craigslist, Evil People, Immoral People, Raleigh Craigslist, Raleigh Craigslist Spam, Spam
So I Guess Women are Lower than Weed
I know I asked this question over Twitter last night, but it actually does bug me a bit, so I figured I’d mention it here for good measure: Why is it that Michael Phelps lost endorsements and has to go … Continue reading
Posted in Celebrities, Ramble/Ponder/Rant
Tagged Chris Brown, Kids Choice Awards, Michael Phelps, Rihanna, Vagina Monologues
So What’s the Deal With Facebook?
The whole Facebook change in Terms of Service (TOS) controversy has been everywhere the last few days. Basically, the old TOS said that if you closed your Facebook account, you’d retain the rights to any pictures, videos, notes, etc. (basically … Continue reading
Stressed, Yet New & Notable
Oy, I spent the day at the doggie cardiologist, cleaning, packing, cleaning up dog puke, contemplating my sick mom’s plea that I leave on Sunday instead of Saturday so she can have “parent time” (she’s been sick since literally last … Continue reading
Posted in Picture Post, Ramble/Ponder/Rant, Reflecting/emo
Tagged Chuck, Chuck Podcast, Chuckcast, iTunes, Macbook
Adios 2008
What’s to say about the end of 2008? It was a year that started out sorta crappy (He Who Shall Not Be Named & [edited so that no one comes after me legally, physically or otherwise] then turned liberating (Dobby … Continue reading
Posted in New Years, Ramble/Ponder/Rant, Reflecting/emo
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Wait, When Did PostSecret Become So Greedy?
I’m back from California and I’ve got a huge post to talk about it, but first, I’d really like to finish a thought/post I started more than a week ago. As you may know, I am a huge fan of … Continue reading
Posted in Picture Post, PostSecret, Ramble/Ponder/Rant
The Airplane Curse Continues: Why Our Country Is In a Depression and Other Assorted Rants & Realizations
And the curse continues. I’m sitting here at LaGuardia, paying for Internet, because my flight is delayed indefinitely. 11:55am flight and it’s a beautiful freaking day outside. Today was supposed to be my non-stressful day where I didn’t have to … Continue reading
Posted in Airline Adventures, Ramble/Ponder/Rant
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Hey, Colleen! How’ve you been?!
It’s been a really long time since I’ve actually written a “how I’m feeling/doing” post vs. the “what I’ve been up to” post. I figured now was as good a time as any, since it’s one of those very rare … Continue reading
Posted in Ramble/Ponder/Rant
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